The newest trike from HASE BIKES is a trike for the youngest riders. To be exact: an infinitely adjustable trike for all kids between 3’3 inch and 5’3 inch in height (1-1.6 m). The TRETS has easy-to-use under-seat handlebars.
aluminum frame - seat hight 13-17 in. (33-43 cm) - 58-406 mm tires with reflective sidewalls and puncture protection - reflective spoke protectors on the rear wheels - Cover for brakedisc and wheel - 5- point harness - aluminum crankset 115 mm 32-tooth - 8-speed Nexus rear derailleur - SKS fenders matte black - aluminum rims -Battery lightning kit- front Spanninga Axendo, rear Sanninga Elips - Children's Pedals with Toe Clips and Straps , incl. elastic heel straps - non telescpic safety flag - Medical-aid number (in Germany):